Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Basic Introduction to Perfecting an Effective Golf Swing

In golf, every player has their own unique golf swing; however there are some basic fundamentals that must be used to hit the ball well.

One of these fundamentals is a proper golf swing stance setup. Grip the club, bend from your waist, stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and square your body to the target line. Your arms should be relaxed and your weight equally distributed between your feet.

To begin your backswing, rotate your shoulders and keep the clubface square. Then turn your body, but don't sway your hips as this may lead to a bad golf shot. After hitting the ball, make sure you follow through. A good finish position includes having all your weight on your front foot and your chest facing the target.

Common Misconceptions about the Golf Swing

According to Golfsmith, some common misconceptions about the golf swing include the stationery head and the straight lead arm.

Many new golfers are told that they must keep their head steady throughout the swing. Although this is a common lesson, it is entirely wrong. During the course of a golf swing, a player must transfer their weight, which requires moving head. The head should remain down through the follow through, but should do so while slightly moving backward then forward, staying parallel to the ground.

Another common piece of advice which players are given is to maintain a straight lead arm until the follow through. While it should be fairly straight and stable, a degree of flexation is necessary and to be expected.

The Ultimate Goal

The ultimate goal of a good swing is to product a "square" impact with the ball, properly moving it toward the player's intended target. This can be a challenge at times but with good instruction and consistent practice, a player can form a good golf swing and be able to make any shot.

Basic Golf Swing Tips,

Common Misconceptions about the Golf Swing,